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A Tour of NTL: Some Performance Data

Here are some timing figures from using NTL. They were obtained using NTL 11.0.0 compiled with g++ 4.8.5 and with GMP 6.1 on a 2.3GHz Intel Haswell processor (E5-2698 v3) running Linux.

All times are ins seconds. The times were obtained using the program Timing included in the distribution. The data was generated using NTL's random number generator, but running this on a different machine should (in theory) generate the same data.

multiply 1000-bit ints: 1.77903e-07
square 1000-bit ints: 1.08537e-07
remainder 2000/1000-bit ints: 3.58799e-07
gcd 1000-bit ints: 2.86069e-06
xgcd 1000-bit ints: 4.27161e-06
power mod 1000-bit ints: 0.000424325
multiply degree-1000 poly mod 1000-bit prime: 0.0041019
remainder degree-2000/1000 poly mod 1000-bit prime: 0.0119166
preconditioned remainder degree-2000/1000 poly mod 1000-bit prime: 0.00418589
gcd degree-1000 poly mod 1000-bit prime: 0.122145
multiply degree-1000 int poly with 1000-bit coeffs: 0.00467749

factoring degree-1000 poly mod 1000-bit prime...
square-free decomposition...0.119126
factoring multiplicity 1, deg = 1000
computing X^p...6.89619
computing DDF...generating baby steps...+++++++++++++++++++++2.72505
generating giant steps...++++++++++++++++++++++2.82554
giant refine...++++split 1 18
*++++*++++*++++*++++split 17 355
*split 0 627
giant refine time: 4.09811
baby refine...split 1 1
split 8 8
split 9 9
split 355 355
split 627 627
baby refine time: 0.037111
DDF time: 9.6903
...total time = 16.7138

multiply 500-bit GF2Xs: 5.3414e-08
remainder 1000/500-bit GF2Xs: 8.19842e-07
gcd 500-bit GF2Xs: 3.57209e-06

factoring degree-500 GF2X: 0.000154251
gcd 500-bit GF2X: 3.55401e-06
multiply degree-500 poly mod 500-bit GF2X: 0.00247313
remainder degree-1000/500 poly mod 500-bit GF2X: 0.00889548
preconditioned remainder degree-1000/500 poly mod 500-bit GF2X: 0.00498747
gcd degree-500 poly mod 500-bit GF2X: 0.0451361

factoring degree-500 poly mod 500-bit GF2X...
square-free decomposition...0.004369
factoring multiplicity 1, deg = 250
computing X^p...0.478202
computing DDF...generating baby steps...++++++++++0.329912
generating giant steps...+++++++++++0.355037
giant refine...++++split 1 9
split 2 13
split 4 44
*++++split 7 73
*split 0 111
giant refine time: 0.230542
baby refine...split 9 9
split 13 13
split 44 44
split 73 73
split 111 111
baby refine time: 0.001228
DDF time: 0.916753

...total time = 1.39667

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